Armax Journal Policies
Author Guidelines
All submissions should be prepared in accordance with the Armax Author Guidelines available below. Please note that the Journal only publishes manuscripts in English.
Please also note that all research manuscripts are subject to double-blind peer review, as outlined below. All submissions are additionally subject to editorial review, in order to maintain the journal’s high standards. The Editor cannot guarantee acceptance of any material submitted. No submission, processing, or publication fees are charged.
Authors interested in publishing with Armax should first review the Author Guidelines document, which may be downloaded by clicking the button below.
Appeals & Complaints
Our Appeals & Complaints process is designed with robust oversight and transparency in mind. Any author may avail themselves of the process if necessary.
Research Misconduct
Our Research Misconduct policy reflects international best-practice and protects the integrity of the Journal and the field of contemporary arms studies more broadly.
Terms of Sale
If we sell you an article, printed issue, or subscription, our Terms of Sale policy provides protection for you and us, and outlines our respective responsibilities.